About us
The firm was founded in 1986 and operated in the Snowy Mountains, Monaro and Canberra regions.
Lopich Lawyer’s commitment to innovation, sound legal expertise and client service led to its success in 1995 in being amongst the first private law firms to win tenders to provide commercial legal services to the Australian Government. We also have a long history of delivering legal service to local government, large corporations and business.
Our list of current and former clients includes Snowy Hydro Ltd (formerly the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority), J Dirou & Associates Pty Ltd, Cooma Polo Flat Holdings Pty Ltd, Evalua Pty Ltd, Snowy River Shire Council, Murray Publishers Pty Ltd, Australian Land Company Pty Ltd and many others.
At Lopich Lawyers we look for alternatives to litigation. We understand the stress for clients of the adversarial method of dispute resolution and the high costs associated with litigation. Our toolbox includes collaborative law, mediation, arbitration, case evaluation and litigation. If your matter is not suitable for resolution through a non-adversarial method of dispute resolution, we will let you know.
We are not strangers to the courtroom and have an impressive history of successfully litigated matters. Our lawyers understand that when it comes to dispute resolution it is not a one size fits all world. When litigation is appropriate, we will provide a strong litigation team.
As part of providing a high level of service, we also team with other professionals and experts such as financial advisors and accountants, business consultants, engineers, collaborative coaches and counsellors to provide a multi-disciplinary team to find a solution that works for our clients.
The principals of Lopich Lawyers are highly skilled mediators, facilitators and negotiators in the areas property law, commercial/business law, family law and inter-personal relationships, planning, environmental and local government law, and workplace and industrial relations disputes. We also provide training and consulting in dispute resolution and conflict management.
“If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” –Abraham Maslow
Our Policies
Confidentiality: Our relationship with our clients is based on trust. Our strong commitment to protecting client confidentiality is all times the corner stone of that trust.
Fees: Our fee structure is designed to make our services affordable and competitive. We maintain our overheads at a level that allows us to provide the services you require without the need to charge inflated fees to supplement a large law firm image.
Service: At Lopich Lawyers you will receive the personal attention of one of our principals. One of our policies is to ensure that all work undertaken by the firm is carried out by a lawyer.
Alternative Dispute Resolution: Although we encourage our clients to consider ADR in order to resolve their dispute, we will not compromise a client’s interests by failing to advise them of other means of dealing with their dispute, such as choosing to litigate where that course will best serve the client’s interests.
Walking the Walk: Because we have a strong commitment to dispute resolution, we do our best to practice what we preach. In the unlikely event that we have a disagreement with a client, we will participate in mediation to try to resolve the issue.