The Covid-19 pandemic is not over and the threat of the pandemic raging out of control cannot be dismissed. Notwithstanding the financial assistance provided by the Australian Government many landlords and many tenants are still struggling to come to terms with the nature and extent of the relief provided by the Retails and Other Commercial Leases (COVID-19) Regulation 2020 and
As the saying goes; “there is more than one way to skin a cat”, as if you would want to. But there are many ways you may want to sort out the living arrangements for your children. Your options: Kitchen table negotiations Third party neutral assisted negotiations (mediation or other ADR) Without lawyers attending With lawyers attending Collaborative Law With
There are few areas of dispute which are as costly and as destructive of relationships as disputes concerning Wills and estates. It is common for families to be torn apart and relationships irreversibly destroyed as a result of the acrimony and unpleasantness associated with litigated proceedings concerning a Will or the division of an estate. The consequence may be that
The adversarial method of dispute resolution has been tried and tested throughout the common law world and is today still the most common form of dispute resolution in western societies. Why then is there an ever increasing number of people, both litigants and lawyers, who take the view that the Courts do not dispense justice, they simply provide certainty through
In 2003 His Honour Justice Robert Benjamin, then the President of the Law Society of New South Wales, returned to Australia from attending the ABA conference keen to introduce the legal profession to collaborative practice. A Collaborative Law sub-committee was established which investigated how to generate training for lawyers interested in becoming collaborative law practitioners. It was not until July
On 5 February 2007 there were approximately 190 trained collaborative professionals inAustraliapractising in four states and the ACT. On 2 March 2007 the Australian Attorney-General will simultaneously launch websites for associations representing approximately 330 collaborative practitioners in four states and the ACT. Collaborative practitioners inTasmaniahave not yet formed as association. During February eight international trainers were inAustraliato facilitate this growth